Открытие компании в Ирландии

Opening a company in Ireland

International company registration and bank account opening in Bahrain with payment only after prior bank approval. Quick and easy.

Jurisdiction Advantages

  • Prestigious European jurisdiction
    Prestigious European jurisdiction
  • No taxes or reporting
    No taxes or reporting
  • No share capital requirements
    No share capital requirements
  • Not an offshore jurisdiction, not included in blacklists
    Not an offshore jurisdiction, not included in blacklists
  • The ability to use nominal service
    The ability to use nominal service
Налогообложение в Ирландии описание картинки

Taxation in Ireland

An Irish Limited Partnership has no tax status. The partnership has no obligation to pay taxes or file returns with the tax authorities. Taxes are to be paid by the partners at the place of their tax residence (partners are nominees - residents of tax-free countries, which allows fully legal optimization of corporate taxes).


  • Тариф “Бизнес”


    Cost of company registration in Ireland (LP) with nominal service

    from 2550 EUR

  • rom 1750 USD

    Service from year two